
At Pragya Peeth Public School, Dinara Education for Life, Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child. PPPS believes that love for education should be developed for children in the initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life.


Pragya Peeth Public School, Dinara is duly recognized by the Department of Education, Government of Bihar.


Language 1 - English , Language 2 - Hindi , Elective 1 - Mathematics, Elective 2 - Science, Elective 3 - Social Studies, Additional subjects - Computer Applications.


PPPS has a strong reputation for sport and there is a demanding and growing fixture list, with depth in teams, backed up by extensive playing fields and facilities. The majority of students flourish in school or house teams, while some progress to district, state and national level.

What We Offer

Our mission is “To attract and develop exceptional boys and teachers from all backgrounds to serve a meritocratic India; inspire them to be just and ethical citizens; train them to be wise and principled leaders; and prepare them to enter one of the strongest alumni fraternities – for life.”

Safety First

Practial Learning

Well trained Teachers

Sate of Art infrastructure

Creative Lessons

Sports Facilities


PPPS provides holistic education to students encompassing different spheres of learning that helps them nurture the leader within. It specializes in a fully boarding education and has done so consistently and without wavering from this core characteristic since its foundation in 2010. The greatest strengths of the school spring from the quality of the human relationships throughout the community and the sense of companionship that these engender.

The full environment encourages a strong sense of community and helps to develop friendships that will be sustained – and be sustaining – in life beyond the School.

0 Teachers
0 Students
0 Courses
0 Awards Won